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Fire Risk Assessment

A safety guide for users of the hall

Assessment by the Committee, July 2023


Description of Premises


Watermillock  Village Hall is  an Edwardian, brick-built, community building situated 100m off the A592 next to Ullswater. It meets all current building regulations regarding fire hazard and disabled access.

The building comprises two entrance/exit lobbies, a main hall with stage, a smaller reading room, separate men’s, women’s and disabled toilets, two shower rooms, storage cellar and a separate kitchen. A plant room, which can only be accessed from outside, houses the biomass boiler.

Internal doors are fire-resistant. Exit doors open outwards. Cooking and water-heating in the kitchen is by gas.

The main hall can accommodate about 100 people sitting and approximately 150 standing.

The reading room can hold about 20 seated visitors.

All parts are available to hire for both private and public events.

The car park to the rear and west side of the building, has space for approximately 12 cars (including 2 disabled spaces).

Three emergency exits lead directly out of the building - from  both lobbies and the kitchen. They are clearly lit with emergency lighting. The premises meet all the requirements of the current disability legislation. The area to the east of the hall includes a large field which is accessed from a gate from the road and a small opening from the car park. To the north of the building is a minor road which is the designated ASSEMBLY POINT.


Inside the building, Smoke detectors in various places trigger an alarm in the event of fire. Fire extinguishers are situated in the kitchen and main hall.

They are routinely inspected. The certificate is held at the registered address. Last inspection May 2023.



Principal Uses of the Village Hall

The hall is hired by a range of organisations, and private individuals for a wide variety of activities, some of which are licensable. A written agreement between the Village Hall and the Hirer forms the basis of the hiring arrangement. The Booking Form and Rules of Hire draw the hirer’s attention to the health and safety and licensing obligations that the Booking places upon them.

Fire Safety Risk Assessment

The Trustees encourage all users of the Hall to carry out their own Fire Risk Assessment, highlighting the areas that pertain to their own group of users and their activities.

This Fire Risk Assessment has been done by the Trustees to cover all aspects of the Hall, but in particular for those Hirers who are not familiar with the layout and equipment.

THE HIRER IS DEEMED THE “RESPONSIBLE PERSON” AND IS DESIGNATED AS THE PERSON IN CHARGE OF THE HALL DURING THE HIRE PERIOD. It is advisable to take a note of the name of everyone attending your event (see Roll Call on page 5).

The Trustees encourage Hirers to make themselves aware of the exit routes, the firefighting equipment and the plan of the Hall detailing the location of the equipment, the escape routes. The plan is available to all Hall users and is also displayed on the wall by the side entrance. They should also identify the assembly point.

It is the responsibility of hirers to ensure the hall is securely locked after use, as the building should never be left open and unoccupied.


People at Risk

Those at risk in the event of fire are:

  • Staff: The Village Hall Committee employs a part-time cleaner, who has a key to the building and is generally on her own when working.

  • Trades People: The Trustees employ local trades people on both an ad-hoc and scheduled basis for the purposes of cleaning, safety checks and building maintenance. Local trades people who are familiar with the building may gain access to the hall by accessing via a coded keysafe while others are always escorted by one or more Trustees.

  • Hall Users These will generally be familiar with the hall. Those that aren’t will find the simple layout easy to navigate and assimilate. The main hall area is open plan and has easily identifiable fire exits on 2 sides. Emergency lighting is installed over fire doors and around the hall, and this is tested regularly. There are two set of double-fire doors in the main hall that exit  outside via the lobbies and are fitted with a push-bar release.

  • Disabled Persons: At a typical function there may be a limited number of disabled persons. It is the responsibility of hall hirers to ensure disabled persons are given adequate assistance in the event of an evacuation. All emergency exit doors are on a level with the areas or ramps outside, which are either tarred or paved, so there are no barriers to wheel chairs.


  • Children: It is the responsibility of hirers to ensure all children within the Hall are supervised and that they are given adequate assistance in the event of an evacuation.


  • Other Members of the Public (who are not using the hall): Members of the public have no right of access nearby the hall



Fire Safety Risk Assessment

Possible Causes of Fire

  • a)  Main power supply fault 

  • b)  Biomass boiler fault 

  • c)  Portable electrical appliances fault 

  • d) Kitchen equipment faults including gas cooker (other than portable electrical appliances) 

  • e) Electric water heater fault and hand dryers in toilets

  • f)  Cooking accidents 

  • g)  Stage lighting system fault (including dimmer and distribution system)

  • h)  Stage scenery and props – accidental ignition 

  • i)  Deliberate ignition



Control Measures 

The primary and general control measures taken by the Trustees are to ensure that:

  •         Sufficient and correct fire-fighting equipment is available and that a qualified practitioner inspects it at least once per year. A Certificate of Maintenance will be obtained for each inspection. The equipment currently (May 2023) consists of the following: 5 extinguishers: 3 x 2kg CO2, 2 x 6 litre Foam; a Fire Blanket and 3x smoke alarms 

  •         The advice of the inspection practitioner to increase, change or move location of the fire- fighting equipment is followed. 

  •         The location of the fire-fighting equipment, emergency lighting and escape routes are clearly marked on a Plan that is displayed on the notice board in the kitchen and is available to all users and staff. 

  •         All Fire Exit doors are checked for illumination, ease of opening and that the Emergency Exit Routes are clear on a weekly basis. A test of continued illumination in event of a power failure will be done quarterly. A test of the Smoke Alarms will be done quarterly. 

  •         The Trustees test the ease of access to and through the escape routes and to the assembly points at least once per year and log the results. 

  •         The biomass boiler is serviced every year.

           Security lighting (sensor operated) is provided and maintained on all             sides of the hall to enable access and to deter intruders.


  •         The waste bins are checked each time the kitchen is cleaned for any fire hazards (eg: loose, inflammable materials such as paper). Where any loose material is found it will be placed inside the exterior waste bins or removed from site. 

  •         All Village Hall Users will be made aware of their responsibilities under the Premises License via the Booking Form. 

  •         All Regular User Groups will be advised that they should carry out their own Fire Risk Assessment. Whilst the Trustees will advise and encourage, they cannot be held responsible for a group not carrying out its own Fire Risk Assessment. 



  • Note that the ASSEMBLY POINT is: The field to the East of the Hall



In the event of a Fire

DIAL 999

  • 1)  The Responsible Person (see page 2) will instruct all persons to leave the building using the nearest available Emergency Exits, and to muster together as soon as possible at the ASSEMBLY POINT – the field to the East of the Hall

  • 2)  A Roll Call should be taken. 

  • 3)  NO MATTER HOW SMALL THE FIRE, CALL THE FIRE BRIGADE. There is no public telephone in 
Watermillock. If you have a mobile phone, Dial 999 and give this address:
Watermillock Village Hall,  Watermillock CA11 0LR. 

  • 4)  The Responsible Person should ensure that once the Village Hall has been evacuated, members of the public do not re-enter the building to collect personal belongings, etc. under any circumstances. 

  • 5)  On the arrival of the Fire Brigade, the Responsible Person should report to the Officer in Charge that a Roll Call has taken place and all persons are safe, or should inform him/her of anyone who is missing from their last known position. 

  • 6)  Attempts to extinguish the outbreak of fire using the fire extinguishers should be only carried out if it is considered to be safe. If any doubt get out of the building. 

  • 7)  If you have a mobile phone and after you have carried out all of the above, and circumstances allow it, please call O7590 075316 (Chairman) or 07590 805383 (Secretary). 

NOTE: All incidents no matter how small have to be reported to the Village Hall Secretary or on number above           

Fire Risk Assessment

A safety guide for users of the hall

Assessment by the Committee, July 2023






Description of Premises


Watermillock  Village Hall is  an Edwardian, brick-built, community building situated 100m off the A592 next to Ullswater. It meets all current building regulations regarding fire hazard and disabled access.

The building comprises two entrance/exit lobbies, a main hall with stage, a smaller reading room, separate men’s, women’s and disabled toilets, two shower rooms, storage cellar and a separate kitchen. A plant room, which can only be accessed from outside, houses the biomass boiler.

Internal doors are fire-resistant. Exit doors open outwards. Cooking and water-heating in the kitchen is by gas.

The main hall can accommodate about 100 people sitting and approximately 150 standing.

The reading room can hold about 20 seated visitors.

All parts are available to hire for both private and public events.

The car park to the rear and west side of the building, has space for approximately 12 cars (including 2 disabled spaces).

Three emergency exits lead directly out of the building - from  both lobbies and the kitchen. They are clearly lit with emergency lighting. The premises meet all the requirements of the current disability legislation. The area to the east of the hall includes a large field which is accessed from a gate from the road and a small opening from the car park. To the north of the building is a minor road which is the designated ASSEMBLY POINT.


Inside the building, Smoke detectors in various places trigger an alarm in the event of fire. Fire extinguishers are situated in the kitchen and main hall.

They are routinely inspected. The certificate is held at the registered address. Last inspection May 2023.



Principal Uses of the Village Hall

The hall is hired by a range of organisations, and private individuals for a wide variety of activities, some of which are licensable. A written agreement between the Village Hall and the Hirer forms the basis of the hiring arrangement. The Booking Form and Rules of Hire draw the hirer’s attention to the health and safety and licensing obligations that the Booking places upon them.

Fire Safety Risk Assessment

The Trustees encourage all users of the Hall to carry out their own Fire Risk Assessment, highlighting the areas that pertain to their own group of users and their activities.

This Fire Risk Assessment has been done by the Trustees to cover all aspects of the Hall, but in particular for those Hirers who are not familiar with the layout and equipment.

THE HIRER IS DEEMED THE “RESPONSIBLE PERSON” AND IS DESIGNATED AS THE PERSON IN CHARGE OF THE HALL DURING THE HIRE PERIOD. It is advisable to take a note of the name of everyone attending your event (see Roll Call on page 5).

The Trustees encourage Hirers to make themselves aware of the exit routes, the firefighting equipment and the plan of the Hall detailing the location of the equipment, the escape routes. The plan is available to all Hall users and is also displayed on the wall by the side entrance. They should also identify the assembly point.

It is the responsibility of hirers to ensure the hall is securely locked after use, as the building should never be left open and unoccupied.







People at Risk

Those at risk in the event of fire are:

  • Staff: The Village Hall Committee employs a part-time cleaner, who has a key to the building and is generally on her own when working.

  • Trades People: The Trustees employ local trades people on both an ad-hoc and scheduled basis for the purposes of cleaning, safety checks and building maintenance. Local trades people who are familiar with the building may gain access to the hall by accessing via a coded keysafe while others are always escorted by one or more Trustees.

  • Hall Users These will generally be familiar with the hall. Those that aren’t will find the simple layout easy to navigate and assimilate. The main hall area is open plan and has easily identifiable fire exits on 2 sides. Emergency lighting is installed over fire doors and around the hall, and this is tested regularly. There are two set of double-fire doors in the main hall that exit  outside via the lobbies and are fitted with a push-bar release.

  • Disabled Persons: At a typical function there may be a limited number of disabled persons. It is the responsibility of hall hirers to ensure disabled persons are given adequate assistance in the event of an evacuation. All emergency exit doors are on a level with the areas or ramps outside, which are either tarred or paved, so there are no barriers to wheel chairs.


  • Children: It is the responsibility of hirers to ensure all children within the Hall are supervised and that they are given adequate assistance in the event of an evacuation.


  • Other Members of the Public (who are not using the hall): Members of the public have no right of access nearby the hall





Fire Safety Risk Assessment

Possible Causes of Fire

  • a)  Main power supply fault 

  • b)  Biomass boiler fault 

  • c)  Portable electrical appliances fault 

  • d) Kitchen equipment faults including gas cooker (other than portable electrical appliances) 

  • e) Electric water heater fault and hand dryers in toilets

  • f)  Cooking accidents 

  • g)  Stage lighting system fault (including dimmer and distribution system)

  • h)  Stage scenery and props – accidental ignition 

  • i)  Deliberate ignition



Control Measures 

The primary and general control measures taken by the Trustees are to ensure that:

  •         Sufficient and correct fire-fighting equipment is available and that a qualified practitioner inspects it at least once per year. A Certificate of Maintenance will be obtained for each inspection. The equipment currently (May 2023) consists of the following: 5 extinguishers: 3 x 2kg CO2, 2 x 6 litre Foam; a Fire Blanket and 3x smoke alarms 

  •         The advice of the inspection practitioner to increase, change or move location of the fire- fighting equipment is followed. 

  •         The location of the fire-fighting equipment, emergency lighting and escape routes are clearly marked on a Plan that is displayed on the notice board in the kitchen and is available to all users and staff. 

  •         All Fire Exit doors are checked for illumination, ease of opening and that the Emergency Exit Routes are clear on a weekly basis. A test of continued illumination in event of a power failure will be done quarterly. A test of the Smoke Alarms will be done quarterly. 

  •         The Trustees test the ease of access to and through the escape routes and to the assembly points at least once per year and log the results. 

  •         The biomass boiler is serviced every year.

           Security lighting (sensor operated) is provided and maintained on all             sides of the hall to enable access and to deter intruders.


  •         The waste bins are checked each time the kitchen is cleaned for any fire hazards (eg: loose, inflammable materials such as paper). Where any loose material is found it will be placed inside the exterior waste bins or removed from site. 

  •         All Village Hall Users will be made aware of their responsibilities under the Premises License via the Booking Form. 

  •         All Regular User Groups will be advised that they should carry out their own Fire Risk Assessment. Whilst the Trustees will advise and encourage, they cannot be held responsible for a group not carrying out its own Fire Risk Assessment. 



  • Note that the ASSEMBLY POINT is: The field to the East of the Hall





In the event of a Fire

DIAL 999

  • 1)  The Responsible Person (see page 2) will instruct all persons to leave the building using the nearest available Emergency Exits, and to muster together as soon as possible at the ASSEMBLY POINT – the field to the East of the Hall

  • 2)  A Roll Call should be taken. 

  • 3)  NO MATTER HOW SMALL THE FIRE, CALL THE FIRE BRIGADE. There is no public telephone in 
Watermillock. If you have a mobile phone, Dial 999 and give this address:
Watermillock Village Hall,  Watermillock CA11 0LR. 

  • 4)  The Responsible Person should ensure that once the Village Hall has been evacuated, members of the public do not re-enter the building to collect personal belongings, etc. under any circumstances. 

  • 5)  On the arrival of the Fire Brigade, the Responsible Person should report to the Officer in Charge that a Roll Call has taken place and all persons are safe, or should inform him/her of anyone who is missing from their last known position. 

  • 6)  Attempts to extinguish the outbreak of fire using the fire extinguishers should be only carried out if it is considered to be safe. If any doubt get out of the building. 

  • 7)  If you have a mobile phone and after you have carried out all of the above, and circumstances allow it, please call O7590 075316 (Chairman) or 07590 805383 (Secretary). 

NOTE: All incidents no matter how small have to be reported to the Village Hall Secretary or on number above           

Fire Risk Assessment

A safety guide for users of the hall

Assessment by the Committee, July 2023




Watermillock Village Hall Committee Safeguarding Policy


Statement: Watermillock Village Hall Committee (WMVH) is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the village hall. 


It is a requirement of booking the hall that the hirer has carried out appropriate risk assessments and has the necessary policies and checks for safeguarding in place. This statement of policy and procedures applies to users of, and activities in, Watermillock Village Hall and any ancillary activities which are the responsibility of the Village Hall Committee.  Acceptance of the Village Hall's safeguarding policy is part of the agreed contract taken out on hiring the Hall.  A copy of this policy is available on the Village Hall website and displayed for the attention of all on the Hall notice board.


WMVH committee also organises community events for the benefit of the local and wider community.  These may include children, young people and vulnerable adults.


All people associated with the Village Hall and its use has a responsibility for the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults. The Village Management Committee will endeavour to keep the premises safe for use. No member of the Committee, village hall staff, outside contractors, hirers or volunteers will have unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults unless in possession of appropriate DBS clearance.

It is recommended that Committee Members complete Safeguarding training (Cumbria LSCB self-registration).


The policy and its accompanying guidelines will be regularly reviewed to ensure that WMVH continues to meet legislative requirements and other recommendations.


A child is defined as up to and including the age of 18.  Vulnerable adults are people who are in or may be in need of community care services because of mental or physical disability, age or illness.  They may be unable to take care of themselves or unable to protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation.  For further reference see the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012:


Data Protection:


  • WMVH Committee will minimise the opportunities for images of young people and vulnerable adults being used by those who wish to exploit or harm them.


  • Permission to use photographs or videos will be obtained through the parent, guardian, school or adult participant as appropriate.  The purpose to which the images will be used will be clearly identified.


  • Identification of individuals in photographs or videos will be avoided.


Responding to allegations of abuse:


The named person responsible for safeguarding is Eileen McLean, Secretary to WMVH Committee


Any allegation of abuse should be sent to the secretary in the first instance and will be shared with the chair of the committee and any other relevant Committees.  When appropriate, the complaint will be forward to the relevant hirer of the hall.  


If there is evidence to suggest that abuse by a person/s working (including volunteering) under the auspices of WMVH has taken place with a child or vulnerable adult, participating in WMVH activities:


Appropriate behaviour when working with Children and Vulnerable Adults


Duty of Care

  • All activities should be planned in consultation with the school, college or host organisation.

  • When supervising an activity, workers must ensure that the activity, equipment and working environment is safe and appropriate for the group.

  • In the event that internet use may be required it must be closely supervised.

  • In the event of a young person or vulnerable adult absenting themselves, or wandering off during a session, you should immediately notify the relevant person in authority at the school, college or organisation and the parent or guardian.



  • Avoid situations where you are working alone with a young person or vulnerable adult completely unobserved.

  • Always ensure that the relevant support workers, teachers or supervisors are present, as agreed, throughout your session.

  • Do not share personal contact details unless completely necessary with a young person or vulnerable adult.


Physical Contact

  • Any form of physical punishment of a young person or vulnerable person is strictly forbidden.

  • Do not engage in unnecessary physical contact which could be open to misinterpretation.

  • If physical contact is absolutely necessary (i.e. physically directing an individual) permission must be obtained from the individual before any contact is made.


Personal Care

  • If a young person requires help with toileting, request the assistance of the family, teacher or relevant person who cares for the young person’s personal needs.

  • If a vulnerable adult requires help with toileting, call upon the family or the services of the appropriate support or care worker.

  • Hirers need to be aware that facilities such as the toilets might be shared with other hall users and that appropriate supervision/arrangements should be made


Behaviour towards Young People and Vulnerable Adults

  • Positive behaviour should be praised and criticism should always be constructive.

  • Do not make sexually suggestive comments.

  • If you accidentally hurt, distress or offend a young person or vulnerable adult; notify the relevant person in authority at the school, college or host organisation, and the chair of WMVH.

  • Provide a positive role model with regards to friendliness, care, courtesy and valuing others.


What to do if Abuse is suspected

  • All information must remain confidential and data protection legislation adhered to.


Dealing with Abuse that has been Discovered, Disclosed or Alleged

Staff or volunteers may find occasionally that young person or vulnerable adults share with them their unhappiness from being abused, may discover that abuse has taken place, or see what they consider to be abuse happening.  It is essential that action is taken in all cases.


  • Agree to help the person who wants to share the information with you.

  • Never agree to full confidentiality and avoid making promises you will be unable to keep.

  • Only question the person to confirm what they have told you, and do not investigate any further.Leave that to the relevant agencies.

  • The session leader and WMVH chair person must be informed of the situation.

  • The police urgently on 999 for .

  • Cumbria Safeguarding Hub on 0333 240 1727.

  • A report of the incident should be made and details of any comments made by the child/vulnerable adult should be noted and any evidence attached.

  • Staff and volunteers may access counselling from the NSPCC Child Protection helpline, available 24 hours a day for support; the service is primarily for adults who may need to talk.Contact 0800 800500.


Legislation and Guidance: WMVH has practices and procedures which comply with the relevant legislation:

  • Enhanced Criminal Record Certificate Regulations 2002

  • Protection of Vulnerable Adults Regulations 2002

  • The Criminal Justice Act: 2000

  • The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act: 2006 

  • Protection of Freedoms Act 2012

  • Computer Misuse Act 1990

  • Charities Act 1992 (Section 59), Charities Act 2011

  • Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR 2018

  • The Police Act; 1997

  • Equality Act 2010

  • Charity Commission Guidance: The Essential Committee and Strategy for dealing with safeguarding issues in charities (2018)

  • Cumbria Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB)



There are 3 sources of potential legionella infection at WMVH.

1. The central heating system hot water tank.

2. The shower and taps.

3. The hot water heater in the kitchen.

Is the caretaker of the Hall Sarah Brough


  1. The hot water boiler is on a weekly disinfection cycle.

  2. The shower and hot taps will be run weekly for 5minutes to flush through hot water.

  3. The hot water heater has a status light to show when water is safe to draw. A notice to this effect is next to the heater.

The responsible person will fill in a checklist weekly to record the time and date preventative measures have been performed.

1. Check for any error message on boiler control panel.
2. Weekly flushes.
3. Check hot water heater status light records water safe to draw.


An annual review of this policy will be performed or at the time of any updated advice from HSE whichever is the sooner.




ACTIVITY                                               RISK IDENTIFIED                       ACTION


Making hot drinks                              Scalding                                      Avoid multiple persons in kitchen

                                                                                                                   Notice to advise volunteer staff only to be allowed in the kitchen.

                                                                                                                   Hot coffee pot to be placed securely on surface


Serving hot drinks and food            Scalding                                       Check that passage is clear!

                                                                                                                   When carrying hot drinks or tea pots .Advise waitress to verbally warn                                                                                                                              people in their presence.

                                                                                                                  Warn customers of metal tea pots being very hot.

                                                                                                                  Have ice ready in the event of a scald taking place.

                                                                                                                  Oven gloves to be used when handling hot utensils, pots, pans etc

                                                                                                                 Wear suitable non slip shoes and Apron


Preparing food                                  Food poisoning

                                                            Cuts                                             Hot food to be kept above 63 degrees Celsius when on holding.

                                                                                                                 Cover food when not imminently used.

                                                                                                                 Kitchen staff to regularly and thoroughly was hands in hot soapy

                                                                                                                 water before preparing or serving food. Hair to be tied back.

                                                                                                                 Any hand cuts or skin conditions should be covered with an

                                                                                                                 appropriate dressing. 

                                                                                                                 First Aid Box accessible


Walking around the kitchen         Trips falls and spills                   Keeping passageways always clear.

and serving area                                                                                   Only one person at a time to walk through the corridor between the kitchen

                                                                                                                and reading room
                                                                                                               All spills to be brushed or wiped up immediately and the yellow Wet  Floor                                                                                                                 sign placed over any wet floor area.

                                                                                                               Plenty of cloths and mops available for spills


Eating and drinking                        Dirty cups/ cutlery                    Utensils to be cleaned in the dishwashes or in hot soapy water.

                                                           Allergies or food                      Notice to advise to let staff know of any allergies or food intolerances.
                                                          intolerances                             Comprehensive list of ingredients of all soups to be listed clearly and available.


Main Hall Toilet


Up to 100 people in the hall          Fire                                            Fire discussion to all volunteers and stall holders at the start re Fire Drill

                                                                                                              Fire doors to be always open.

                                                                                                              Rubbish to be removed.

                                                                                                              Ref: WMVH fire policy.

                                                                                                             The person responsible for organising the event to be fire officer for the event


                                                           Trips falls spills                       Keeping passageways always clear.

                                                                                                            All spills to be brushed or wiped up immediately and the yellow ‘Wet Floor’                                                                                                               sign to be placed over any wet floor area.

                                                                                                            Plenty of cloths and mops available for spills.


                                                          Unsecured tables                   All tables when not in use to be kept in the cage and strap


*** this is in addition to the health and safety risk assessment of the village hall see file


****All accidents to be recorded and reported as:****

Emergency plan for responsible person running an event or function in Watermillock Village Hall.



As the responsible person for the event/function etc you have legal duties with regards to the safety of those persons assisting or attending the event.


Before the event or function you should be aware of:


  • What fire protection systems are present.

  • How a fire will be detected:

There are smoke alarms in all rooms.


  • How people will be warned if there is a fire:

Sound the fire alarm, evacuate the building, fight the fire with extinguishers and/or fire blanket if safe to do so.


  • How the evacuation of the premises should be carried out:

The main fire exits are at the front of the Hall, double doors on either side.

Fire marshal(s) should check shower rooms and toilets to ensure anyone in these areas is aware that they need to leave the building.


  • Where people should assemble after they have left the premises and procedures for checking whether the premises have been evacuated:

Assemble in the field adjacent to the Hall. people should not try to access or move vehicles parked in the Hall car park until advised that it is safe to do so.


  • Identification of key escape routes and exits, how people can gain access to them and escape to a place of safety:

The main fire exits are at the front of the Hall, double doors on either side.


  • Arrangements for fighting fire:

Once the fire alarm is sounded and evacuation started, use extinguisher(s) as appropriate and only if safe to do so.


  • How the fire and rescue service and any other necessary services will be called:

Phone box at junction with main road if no mobile phone.


  • What instruction employees or helpers need and the arrangements for ensuring that this training is given:

Brief helpers/marshals before event.


  • Limitation on numbers of people:

The overall limit for the Hall is 130 people.

It is recommended that if you have more than 20 but less than 50 people attending your event, you appoint at least 2 additional people to act as fire marshals beside the responsible person. If you have more than 50 people at your event it is recommended you appoint at least 4 people to act as fire marshals beside the responsible person. High Vis jackets and torches for fire marshals and responsible person are on the coat hooks in the entrance corridor.


  • Any chains and padlocks which need removing from fire exits etc.


The bolts inside the emergency doors and inside the double doors in the reading room MUST be released on arrival and secured on final departure.


  • Exit doors which are required to be in the open position are secure.

  • Check that all escape routes are clear of obstructions.


Before the event or function you should decide:

  • The arrangements for fighting fire.

  • The arrangements for means of escape for disabled persons.


Both the main fire exits are easily accessible by less able people including those in wheelchairs.


  • The duties and identity of staff who have specific responsibilities if there is a fire.

  • The arrangements for the safe evacuation of people identified as being especially at risk, such as those with disabilities, children, members of the public and visitors.

  • How you will proceed if life safety systems are out of order, e.g fire detection and alarm systems, sprinklers or smoke control systems.

No event will be allowed to proceed if routine checks have found a fault with any system and it has not been rectified and checked.


  • Who will be responsible for calling the fire and rescue service and any other necessary services:

Responsible person or delegated fire marshal (check mobile reception)


  • Who will meet the fire and rescue service on their arrival and notifying them of any special risks e.g. the location of highly flammable materials.


The responsible person will meet emergency services and advise of the location of the gas storage tanks. (Outside the east wall of the kitchen with 2 spares in the pellet storeon the west side – LPG sticker on the door.


At the start of the event or function you should notify all those present about:


  • The smoking policy:

NO SMOKING anywhere on Village Hall premises including outside areas.


  • The emergency warning signal:

Fire Alarm / smoke alarm sounding


  • Who is supervising and how to identify them.

  • Location of exits and escape routes.

  • Taking only valuables immediately to hand, not to go to collect other belongings. Not to attempt to enter or move vehicles parked in the Hall car park.

  • The location of muster points: and

  • What will l happen after that (e.g. re-entry to the building)

Assemble in the fieldadjacent to the Hall. People should not try and access or move vehicle parked in the Hall car park until advised that it is safe to do so. Be advised that users with mobility issues should use the main gate into the field accessible from the road.


During the event or function you should ensure that:


  • Escape routes and exits do not become blocked

  • Your smoking policy is adhered to

  • No naked flames are present that combustible material is kept clear

  • Rooms do not become overcrowded.

  • Noise levels cannot drown out the fire alarm and:

  • If necessary, the number of persons in your premises is limited or controlled.

WMVH map.png
                    NEXT EVENT

Regular activities:

Ullswater Garden Group. UGG
Third Tuesday of month. 2-4pm

Art Group
Wednesday 1.30-4pm
Contact Caroline Wood

Wednesdays 6-8pm

Fridays 9.30-11.30am.
Places limited. Contact



Advance tickets purchased from

friday-28-02-2025 or by contacting one of the village hall committee members or


Ullswater_Way_web (dragged).jpg

Acting Chair person: Ben Shaw (see below)

Ben Shaw
Tongue Farmhouse
CA11 0LT

Booking Clerk
Claire Beaumont
Park House

Juliet Rodgers


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